Book of the Month: “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo”

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is a historical novel written by Taylor Jenkins Reid. It is a fictive biography of a Hollywood actress, which is set in the 1950s. There is an almost tangible tension between the ‘50s mind-set and sexuality, as well as feminism. The story is partially depicted in modern times with flashbacks to the ‘50s-‘90s as the actress tells her story.

Review ‘White Innocence’

Now the days have become darker and shorter, Sinterklaas and his friends, the so-called Zwarte Pieten or ‘Black Petes’, have travelled to the Netherlands. Besides gifts and sweets, they bring something else that has become traditional over time: a passionate and vehement debate on the alleged racism of the very phenomenon of Black Pete. The book White Innocence. Paradoxes of Colonialism and Race, written by emeritus professor of Gender and Ethnicity Gloria Wekker, is a valuable companion in the many inevitable discussions on Dutch racism to come.