Women, violence, and war: “It’s the unexpected”

by Catarina Vila Nova Western societies aspire to ideals of equality but it’s in moments of crisis that the reality of where we still are comes to the fore. When it comes to war, gender norms are almost as rooted as they’ve always been. Even with catchy stories of female soldiers in the early days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine flooding our timelines, traditional gender roles still take hold.

Stolen Sisters

From vast landscapes of snow and ice to the bustling cities of Toronto and Montreal, Canada is often celebrated as a land of peace, tolerance, and respect for diversity. However, in 2004, Amnesty International accused Canada of endangering Indigenous women, putting them at continuous risk of abduction, sexual abuse and lethal violence. This is due largely to systemic racism. Add sexism to the equation and you can see that Canada has failed in protecting Indigenous women and girls.