De evolutie van de vrouw

Door Famke Veenstra van Tijdschrift LOVER

“Wat zijn we ver gekomen, hè? Vroeger konden we alleen nog maar liggen,” zeg ik tegen mijn zus als we de eerste grote hal van Musée d’Orsay in Parijs binnenwandelen. Prachtige marmeren beelden van gespierde heldhaftige mannen en hulpeloze horizontale vrouwen vullen de ruimte.

On being young and gay in Europe: “It’s not yet ok as long as you don’t dare to be who you want to be”

by Catarina Vila Nova During the Summer months, Esther and Carmen will be riding their motorcycles across 15 European countries in search of what it means to be young and gay in Europe. They will be connecting with partners in film festivals and organizations that advocate for LGBTI+ rights to create a movie platform targeted to professors to get the conversation going in the classroom.

“Kartini” Princess of Java: A Film Review

by Reya Suwarsono Film director, Hanung Bramantyo, unfolds the story of Raden Adjeng Kartini (played by Dian Sastrowardoyo), a daughter born into a Javanese family of nobles in 1879. Her father’s position as a Javanese aristocrat working for the Dutch government provided her with the opportunity to attend a Dutch school – a privilege that few Indonesians had. Her exposure to Western ideals and education played a crucial role in her growth as an activist in her later years.