Poem: Radboud doesn’t Reflect

I was told Radboud was the best

a safe haven, most leftist

somewhere to be welcomed

to be yourself

a place of diverse discussions, of cultural exchange

a place that valued human life


How bad must it be at other universities

I guess, a lot can change in just a few years


On my way out of Germany

I stumbled over stones marking the loss

of kind people, innocent people

I stood where people like me were executed, murdered, enslaved

I walked on train platforms where

mothers waved goodbye to their young children

You could hear the breaking of our hearts

like crystals, knowing it would be the last

I didn’t even get that chance


I bear the weight of our history every day

I thought the Dutch would remember better

How can you walk straight?


Don’t you see?

History is starting to repeat itself

To escape the rising hate and Nazi propaganda

Radboud is where I found myself


I pronounced Nijmegen my home away from home

Holland, exil destination number one

Oh how naive I must have been.

Cannot recommend!


How is this the same university,

that rather closed down than bow to the Nazis

The university run by people who saw Dachau from the inside

Sacrificed their lives

To preserve our freedom to research, teach

and indulge in free speech.


One can only imagine what Titus would have to say.

You celebrate their actions

taking credit for bravery

you clearly do not possess or understand


Is this what you want to be remembered for?


Do we need to show you the shoes?

Gravestones, photos, Anne Frank’s Diary!

Do we need to remind you

of the anguish and destruction

Nazis have always and will always cause?


6 million people and counting


I trusted you were good people.

They say, evil can only triumph if good men do nothing

Well, you proved them right.


#inclusion is too little too late 

for the size of the threat

The times too dire for students and staff 

to leave things unsaid


Actions speak – you relativize

Because of people like you

the Third Reich could thrive


I used to be proud to be a part of this institution

Excited for the work being done here

A RICH future in the making

But if this is the future you are building

I don’t understand whose validation you are craving


Have you ever had to think twice before signing your name?

Have Nazis ever decided your fate without your say?


Have you ever had hate pushed through your mail slot?

Storming the beaches of the Waal

Invading your living room, kitchen, favorite lunch spot?


Were you ever forced to pack up your belongings in the dead of night?

Were you ever forced to sacrifice time with your loved ones?

All just to escape their guns


Well, I have.


Has death knocked on your door?

No? Didn’t think so!


Then how dare you!

Hide behind “tolerance”

when you discriminate against disabled people

Every day denying our existence

But that’s the price you pay for running a Dutch University

Peer pressure never really goes away, does it?


Do not lecture me on diversity and inclusion

there’s not nearly enough support to go around

Do not hide behind arguments of free speech

Since that won’t last very long


How dare you condone their existence!

How dare you welcome them into our sanctum sanctorum!

You clearly do not understand what you are risking

How dare you condemn our existence!


My death.

My family = dead.

my friends = dead.


Just because they aren’t German, don’t look Aryan.

Don’t know the words to the third verse of my national anthem

They sound like you, look like you,

drink coffee across the table from you.


Because they haven’t revealed their true intentions

Haven’t drawn Swastikas on the Erasmus tower

You have no objections.


From your high horses

You can overlook the warning signs.

How can the most intelligent be so ignorant?

Take responsibility for your decisions

The threat is imminent!


Fighting Nazis isn’t even left or radical

It’s common sense, normal, ethical. 


If this is where we are

What is there to celebrate?

Definitely not 100 years of progress

we’re back where we started



This poem is responding to the Radboud Reflects event from the 7th of September 2023 focusing on the question: Alle meningen welkom op de universiteit? Are all opinions welcome at university? The cause of the debate is documented and discussed in the following articles by Vox Magazine from Radboud University:





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