De evolutie van de vrouw

Door Famke Veenstra van Tijdschrift LOVER

“Wat zijn we ver gekomen, hè? Vroeger konden we alleen nog maar liggen,” zeg ik tegen mijn zus als we de eerste grote hal van Musée d’Orsay in Parijs binnenwandelen. Prachtige marmeren beelden van gespierde heldhaftige mannen en hulpeloze horizontale vrouwen vullen de ruimte.

Fascism Goes Female: Why women join far-right groups

by Alex Banciu
Fascism seems to be thrown around everywhere these days, so much so that it almost becomes a term for everything that is on the right side of the political spectrum. Surely, there are cases when this term fits perfectly. Europe’s current political landscape is shifting right at an ominous rate. Therefore, it is now a good time to understand why this is happening and what are the factors fueling this shift. But why exactly feminine fascism?

Volop leven en volop liefhebben

by Mylene van der Scheer In deze serie duik ik diep in de boeiende wereld van polyamorie. Samen gaan we op ontdekkingsreis om te begrijpen wat polyamorie precies inhoudt, hoe polyamoreuze relaties eruit kunnen zien, en welke uitdagingen polyamoreuze individuen in het dagelijks leven tegenkomen.

Experimental Archeology and the History of Pockets with Marjolein Kik – Culturally Curious Ep.5

In this installment, I’m joined by Marjolein Kik, a Dutch academic specializing in dress history and experimental archaeology. Their research into the history of Dutch pockets takes center-stage in this episode. We start with the question: What is experimental archaeology? Marjolein explains the nuances of this new and unique research method and how they created an educational tool for museums, based on this research. We discussed materials, sewing techniques and designs used to make pockets between 1650 and 1950.

Why your Feminism should be Socialist – An introduction to Socialist Feminist theory

By Ava Wood On 24th October, Iceland’s women left their workplaces and went on strike, protesting the 10.2% gender pay gap in the country. The movement is inspirational for those of us who come from countries where mobilisation on this scale is unthinkable, and puzzling in the context of the country’s status as the most gender equal in the world (Barry, 2023).